Founded by the Sheriffs of Florida in 1957, the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches has always embraced and applied the principles of faithful stewardship in all of our donor-based relationships. We recognize and understand that we would not exist without the charitable gifts of our donor family. The resources they provide are purposefully given in support of our mission to prevent delinquency and develop lawful, resilient and productive citizens.
Many caring individuals have chosen to support the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches by making an unrestricted gift that can be used to further the general purposes of the organization. Each year, the Board of Directors approves the annual budget. When a gift is made payable to the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches, without any specific restrictions, it is carefully and thoughtfully used where it is needed most.
The Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches has always valued and respected the right of a donor to designate or restrict the use of a particular gift for a specified purpose or service. We are committed to honoring these clearly defined requests with great care. Our goal is to work diligently with the donor to carefully plan a gift that will best meet the donor’s wishes and appropriately serve the needs of the children in our care.
At times, we have had to decline a gift because we could not, in good faith, fulfill the donor’s wishes. On other occasions, we have defended the donor’s gift in court as others have tried to change or alter the donor’s specific directions. Proper planning and complete documentation helps us maintain our ethical commitment to the donors who choose to share their gifts with us.
The bottom line is the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches Board of Directors and Staff pledge to honor and respect each donor’s instructions regarding the use of their gift.